So I have released Mnemosyne version 1.1.1!

Mnemosyne 1.1.1

This is mostly a PATCH release for Mnemosyne.

There was a report of a bug found by @bubbob42 which broke the MangWall when performing a search.

The bug was happening mostly on A2000 and A4000 machines and was causing a damaged MangWall. I was able to fix the problem with a tool called WipeOut

What is WipeOut?

WipeOut is a tool that traces and munges memory and detects memory trashing.

What do you mean by “munges memory”?

Munge is a term used in computing, especially in computer security, to describe something that modifies a message, a data stream, or a file in a way that renders the original version unreadable.

What is memory trashing?

Memory trashing is a term used to describe a situation where a program or process writes to memory that it does not own, causing the program to crash or behave in an unexpected way.

Using WipeOut

To use WipeOut you need to download it from and run the “WipeOut” executable.

To do that you need to open a shell and type:


Wipeout uses the serial port to output errors so you will also need a telnet setup which I have shown in a previous post Debugging In Amiga.

Once you run the command you should see an output like this:

WipeOut Munging

And then your Amiga will freeze for a bit while WipeOut is Munging the memory so don’t worry.

Wipeout will take longer if you have a lot of memory.

Once it is done you should see an output like this:

WipeOut Munging Done

This indicates that wipeout is done by munging the memory.

After that, you should be able to debug and see if your program damages the memory.

The Bug reported was fixed in the latest version of Mnemosyne.

For more info, you can check the Mnemosyne Wiki!

You can also check the Releases page for the changelogs:

Hope you enjoyed this short post and I hope this helps you. Thanks so much for reading :D